четверг, 31 июля 2014 г.

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* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.

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Do you like to manage your finance? Money Notes is your first choice.

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1.Simple and beautiful user interface. Add a new transaction is fast and intuitively.

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Die Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH ist einer der führenden Sprachenverlage in Europa. Das Unternehmen entwickelt sowohl maßgeschneiderte Lernmedien für Schüler und Erwachsene, als auch Lehrwerke für erwachsene Sprachenlerner im In- und Ausland. Das Programm umfasst hochwertige Produkte für mehr als 19 Sprachen – neben Lehrwerken werden eine breite Palette an Lektüren, Grammatiken, Wortschatzprodukten bis hin zu Produkten für Zertifikatsvorbereitungen angeboten. Ernst Klett Sprachen setzt sich als Ziel, das Lehren und Lernen von Fremdsprachen zu erleichtern.

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Dieser Vokabeltrainer wurde von der Mobilinga GmbH aus Bremen entwickelt. Die Mobilinga GmbH ist der Spezialist für die Konzeption und Entwicklung von mobilen Applikationen. Dabei kooperiert die Mobilinga GmbH sowohl mit Großkonzernen wie auch mit mittelständischen Unternehmen. So bietet Mobilinga z.B. zusammen mit Gruner+Jahr das GEO-Magazin auf dem iPad an.

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It is good to Douglas recovering Fine & Ready for ' Liberace ' BiopicAt the end of October we heard from Matt Damon that he planned the shooting of Steven Soderbergh biopic prone to the famous pianist Liberace next summer. However, since the man in the iconic musician, Michael Douglas play, had Stage 4 throat cancer, his future, both in his career and life under contract seemed uncertain download Klett Fairway A1 Deu/Eng apk . However, THR recently spoke with the actor that he was recovering famous and strives again the the very soon. In addition, Douglas confirmed that it is indeed for his return to the big screen by. Starred in Soderbergh's Liberace project shoot in May or June Read on! after the double tragedies we had earlier this week the death of Leslie Nielsen and director Irvin Kershner, it is good a talent like Douglas to make a full recovery from what might I have to hear a very deadly disease. He is aware of his brush with death, and while he still has its ups and downs of his treatments, he seems all smiles for the moment. Remarked noted. Was 'I Ve overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support Cancer showed me what family it showed me a love that I never knew really existed We are pleased that Mr. Douglas is so glorious. Recovery and look forward to seeing his take on Liberace. How about you?

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EMT Academy is a complete training guide for EMT-Basic level EMS personnel. Pass your initial certification exam with flying colors, or keep your skills sharp long after you become certified.

Written in the style of the NREMT-B certification exam using scenario-based questions based on latest 2013 EMS material. We update our quiz questions several times a year.

The ORIGINAL EMT tutor study guide -- don't be fooled by copy-cat apps. This has been shipping for years on that "other" smart phone platform, and is the leading EMT study guide. There are no in-app purchases required to unlock additional features.

This quiz provides the highest quality test questions you will find, including illustrated anatomy diagrams. We believe in quality over quantity, yet we still provide OVER 1000 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS, with explanations, divided into these chapters:


EMS Systems

Safety & Wellness

Legal & Ethical Issues



The Human Body

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Patient Assessment




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Track your scores and progress along the way. We also provide over 300 "electronic flashcards" for another method of learning.

THAT'S OVER 1300 EMT QUESTIONS! But that's not all. We also include the EMS Toolkit, which many people find just as valuable as the review questions. Here's what you get in the EMS Toolkit:

• CPR Reference - Updated for latest AHA guidelines, we provide a reference to the proper steps in CPR, test questions to prepare you for your annual recert, and even a audio metronome that tells you the proper cadence for compressions.

• NREMT Testing Tips - A summary of what you should know before taking the NREMT exam.

• Documentation Guide - Things to consider and document for most common emergencies. Also, a quick reference to those acronyms like OQPRST and DCAP/BTLS.

• NREMT-B Psychomotor Skills Exam - Practical exam checklists for common EMT-B skills so you can make sure you perform every step properly:

Assessment - Medical, Assessment - Trauma, Bleeding and Shock, BVM Apneic Patient.txt

Cardiac Arrest AED, Joint Immobilization, Long Bone Immobilization, Oxygen Admin NRB, Spinal Immobilization Seated, Spinal Immobilization Supine

• EMT-B Skills Guides - We've also added "how-to" guides on how to perform key EMT skills:

Taking Blood Pressure, EpiPen, Oral Glucose, Nasal Airway, Oral Airway, Suction.

• NREMT-B Recertification - This tells you what you need to do to recert (number of hours, categories, etc.)

• START Triage Quiz - Another bonus quiz covering the START system

• Hazmat Response Quiz - Another bonus quiz on how to deal with hazmat incidents (for EMS personnel)

NOTE: If you think you've found a typo or inaccurate question, please report this immediately and we will investigate. Quality is our number one concern! Since this app may be newer than your text book, you may find some discrepancies (for example, CPR guidelines have changed). Remember, this is a study guide, not a reference book. The purpose is to help you learn and remember, it is not a substitute for an instructor and a class.

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You can select between touch-based or touchpad-mode control interfaces. Remotix RDP supports the full set of multi-touch gestures for convenient control of the remote machine, including pan, zoom, two finger scroll and two finger right mouse click.

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After we numerous filmmaker like Ben Affleck, Darren Aronofsky, Paul Greengrass and many more, it looks like the pregnant period thriller at Warner Bros., Tales from the Gangster Squad, finally a director has landed. Deadline reports Zombieland director Ruben Fleischer is in talks to helm the story of an off-the - pounds LAPD squad mercenary police the notorious gangster Mickey Cohen out of town trying to hunt back in the 40s download Remotix RDP apk . His films such as The Untouchables and LA Confidential, very different material for a director who started his career has been compared with the bloody, but hilarious Zombieland.

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A Vet Tool is the perfect app for veterinarians, vet technicians, anyone working in the veterinary field, veterinary students, or anyone that is just interested in more information about the drugs and tests used at a vet clinic.

By downloading A Vet Tool you are getting five fully featured applications. The five applications are accessible through an easy to use tab based interface.

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- The second application contains common blood value lab results for birds, cats, cattle, dogs, ferrets, guinea pigs, horses, and turtles.

- The third application is a collection of x-ray comparisons such as a good knee versus an OA knee.

- The fourth application contains nine calculators:

• Math calculator with memory function, the memory is saved even when the app is exited.

• Conversion calculator that performs common conversions that a veterinary professional must do on a daily basis. It includes weight units (Kg, gram, mg, μg, ounce, lb), liquid units (Liter, dL, mL, ounce, tsp, tbsp, cc) and temperature units (Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin).

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- The fifth application is a great notepad. Notes can be added, deleted, and edited at any time.

A Vet Tool was created with the assistance of several veterinary professionals and will provide anyone in the veterinary field or interested in the veterinary field a great value for their Android Device.

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Anne Hathaway commitment: All bets are on Valentino your wedding dress designMore than 100 guests, the actress walked down the aisle in a romantic Valentino dress on the California coast download A Vet Tool 1.0 apk .'Les Miserables' Featurette Touts live vocals, Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway Big Sur, known for its picturesque views of the Pacific Ocean and the majestic nature is a popular choice for weddings. More recently, Natalie Portman and the coastal city chose for their wedding, and it was reported that the actress shared the same wedding planner Yifat Oren.

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User friendly and only useful information! No complicated tables or graphs!


This app keep track of your menstrual cycles and to predict menstruation periods.

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We will also indicate the days for pregnancy tests of blood and urine.

You can also know the date of sexual intercourse to most likely get the desired sex of the child.

! The data provided should not be used as contraceptives!


Modifiable data:

- The first day of menstruation

- Duration of cycle (about 28 days)

- Duration of menstruation (about 5 days)

Information provided:

- Predictions for 6 months in the future

- Last 3 months saving

- Days of ovulation

- Days of menstruation

- Fertile days

- Recommended periods of intercourse to favor the sex of unborn child

- Indication of the current day in the monthly cycle

- Indication of left days before the next menstrual period

- Proposal of a new automatic first day of menstruation at the end of the monthly cycle

- At each new month automatic recalculation for the next 6 months

- Interactive color calendar

- Send the calendar via e-mail

- Auto diagnosis

- Support mail

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Another video game series for a film for a film franchise, this time the Prince of Persia games from Ubisoft. This game has taken in previous years, with at least 3 recent sequels and a huge hit for Ubisoft download Menstruation And Fertility Pro 1.1.0 apk . The series has been under discussion for a while by Disney, 'ollywood mogul Jerry Bruckheimer bought the rights in 2004. Hill Hill Media blog spoke briefly about the fact that 'in theory[ Prince of Persia] will be Disney's big action-adventure release for the summer of 2008. 'What then could 'lead to a new lead to a new hit series of films for the studio.

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Team DTR is developing games, wishing the world to be a better place.

Here's some introduction of our user reviews.

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Stewart 's newfound assertiveness is just in time for a worldwide press tour for her latest film . Snow White and the Huntsman, out Friday, you turned to the film's premiere in London this month remained at the Cannes International Film Festival another film another film, On the Road , and then flew back to Los Angeles for a special screening of Snow White on Tuesday evening. download Pixall apk

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Eight talented candidates the final stage of selection to join the ranks of a mysterious and powerful Corporation have reached join. Entering a windowless room there, a supervisor to 80 minutes to answer one simple question. He outlines three rules to obey or be disqualified body check 1.0 apk free download . That's all I need to know. Exam and for the first time , the British director Stuart Hazeldine, a writer, co-writer Alex Proyas' knowledge and other managed a couple of other projects in development -. The story by by Simon Garrity. The film premiered at the Edinburgh Film Festival, but does not have a U.S. Distributor yet. We're not sure if hit hit U.S. Theaters, but I have a feeling it other film festivals are taken first. Look good?

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Come be enthralled by Fractal’s music puzzler experience. Push, Combo, and Chain your way through a pulsing technicolor dreamscape while expanding your consciousness at 130 BPM.

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"Fractal is a refreshing puzzler. Its cool aesthetic and subtle complexities intrigue you, while the thrill of chaining massive blooms in a dazzling array of light keeps you coming back for more."


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Cipher Prime is an award-winning Philadelphia game studio; we also made Auditorium, Splice, and Pulse: Volume One. We’re a small company, small enough that the whole team could fit in a VW Bug (if we squished a little), and we really appreciate all the fans and soon-to-be fans that support us!

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Formerly known as The Low Dweller, the project originally had the eyes of Leonardo DiCaprio lead the lead role and directed by Ridley Scott. Rupert Sanders was even said to at the head sometime later. Apparently Cooper is in the director's chair now, but Scott still produce Fractal: Make Blooms Not War 1.0 apk free download . Meanwhile, DiCaprio is not the main role in the film is more, Wordll produce through his Appian Way Productions and. The script comes from Brad Ingelsby, a guy who came from nothing, while living with his parents and working for his father's insurance. Now Cooper is writing the script for his new vision to the project. Word is the script is similar to No Country for Old Men, so that means from the oven definitely has my attention. How about you?

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The classic Bavarian castle Neuschwanstein, under a live sky with clouds, moon, sun, birds etc. Optional flowers and leaves in the foreground.

Based on the beautiful photo of Neuschwanstein Castle by Jeff Wilcox:


Other contributors (flickr users):

Leaves: Georgia Reading

Bluebell: Mark Fosh

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Thanks everyone for the creative commons licenses!

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! Full House fans will be Hanks' references to Kimmy Gibbler and appreciate Good Morning, San Francisco, and especially his command of the show numerous slogans like, Have mercy, How rude and Cut it out! - encourage During a visit to his new high-minded, Oscar - baiting film, Cloud Atlas, made Hanks a spot-on slam poem on Full House , the late 80s / early ' 90s sitcom, the Olsen twins world world download KEGEL AEROBICS 1.4 apk .

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One of the many, many projects that Martin Scorsese has in the works is an adaptation of a mob book called I Heard You Paint Houses that Scorsese would direct a feature film titled The Irishman free E6B Flight Computer 1.3 torrent download . The end of 2008 it was announced that Scorsese would reunite with Robert De Niro for the project, so this. The first time they'd been working casino in 1995 The last thing we wrote about the project was in '08 and it was again in a post overlooking Scorsese's line-up mentioned by the invention of Hugo Cabret. Now MTV has. Upgraded from De Niro himself a brilliant idea for making this as two movies Read on! It is based on a book called I Heard You Paint Houses There is a very simple, great story about[ the mobster Frank Sheeran], who supposedly killed[ Jimmy] Hoffa and Joe Gallo and so is the base, 'De Niro told MTV. To the Irishman From there he goes on briefly about Scorsese 's plans to split into two movies.

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Wine Tracker keeps your wine purchasing and tasting experiences at your fingertips.

Use Wine Tracker to:

■ View your wine cellar contents

■ Track orders (shipments, wine futures)

■ Maintain a wishlist of wines you would like to try

■ Sort, search, and select the next bottle to try

■ Setup drinking windows and alerts for when to open that special bottle

■ Seamlessly share your database across your devices

■ Quickly search the internet for information about your wines

■ Enter tasting notes, take photos, and enter ratings

■ Share your tasting experiences with your friends

■ Import/Export your database as a spreadsheet with your PC

The paid version of this app provides the following:

■ Removes the limit of 50 wines/orders/wishlist/gone items

■ Allows you to take photos and attach them to your wines

■ Enables bar code scanner (if you have a camera)

■ Provides a detailed rating guide (nose/balance/complexity) to score your wines

■ Provides drink/hold and rating information across regions, varietals & vintages so you can determine if a wine is from a good vintage or not

■ Removes the ads

■ Free upgrades as they become available

■ Enables "Family" feature to quickly find similar wines to the one you're viewing

Starting with version 3.0, you can easily transfer your database from the free version of the app or with other devices. Upon startup, you will be asked to create an account to save your database. All devices sharing that account will be synced with each other.

Upon startup, Wine Tracker will download a small database containing hundreds of regions, subregions & varietals. You can easily add new country/region/subregion/varietal combos by pressing the bottom-right button in the Regions database screen.

We would like to hear your feedback as well as what features you'd like to see in upcoming releases. You can do so at support@allucanapp.com.

This application requires the following permissions:

Network communications: allows access to the internet to sync the regions database, and to perform online searches on a particular wine

Storage: allows you to export/save your wine database to your SD card.

Hardware controls: allows you to take and store photos of your wines

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