Health & Fitness
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Dailyworkout is an Android application that allows you to stay connected with your friends on dailymile.com, the social training log for runners, triathletes, and cyclists.
Dailyworkout interacts with dailymile.com, allowing you to:
- view workouts, notes and images
- upload workouts, notes and images
- delete workouts, notes and images
- comment on workouts, notes and images
- like notes and images
- view popular workouts, notes and images
- find people on dailymile via their email address
- view basic profile information (name, number of workouts, miles, etc) as well as some basic charts showing your last two weeks of workouts
- view your friends and their friends
- send friend requests
- open dailymile links received via email, twitter, etc
- filter workouts by a date range
- see how your and your friend's training is going
- and more!
Contact us on Twitter @platers_code
Visit our blog at http://ift.tt/1f38U3C
Vote for new features at http://ift.tt/1cxLrLc
Friend us on dailymile http://ift.tt/1f38UjT
*This application was not created by dailymile.com
Learn more at http://ift.tt/q6a7f3.
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