вторник, 12 августа 2014 г.

RSS ticker wallpaper 1.0.22 apk free download

RSS ticker wallpaper

News & Magazines

Download .apk

Tip: You can add new RSS feeds by using Android Web Browser - go to the RSS feed page and use "share" feature. Select "Manage feeds" item.

Please note: this is not a widget and will never be. It's not possible at the moment because of Widget API limitations.

Tip: You can adjust news ticker position by clicking right above (or below) the ticker.


- (RSS) news ticker size and speed can be configured

- new feeds can be added by web browser

- news ticker position can be adjusted

- set ticker transparency

- choose wallpaper image (experimental)

- no ads

Default RSS feeds:

- BBC Top Stories

- CNN Top Stories

- Al Jazeera

- France24

Download .apk

To be honestond Great is trailer for Seth Rogen ' The Green Hornet'not be confused with Green Lantern, Sony has debuted the second full-length trailer via Yahoo for The Green Hornet, the Seth Rogen and Jay Chou Funky Superheroes action flick on the basis of classical serial characters download RSS ticker wallpaper 1.0.22 free android app . This trailer contains a lot of the same stuff from the first trailer we saw in June, but also many new scenes, including some tough quick insights into 'Kato Vision 'that director Michel Gondry was integral in imagination. To be honest, to see one of reasons why I to see this to see these battle scenes, they actually look fabulous. Have on on, check out this new trailer and try not to to be too critical, if you can!

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